Peace Work Teacher Training
a mindful, SEL, trauma-informed, curriculum training created by teachers for teachers.
Teacher Well-Being + Classroom Integration + Curriculum Training
In this professional, self-paced, online course (~10 hours), educators are introduced to mindfulness in its many forms. They generate knowledge and experience around: well-being, mindfulness, peace, social emotional learning, self-regulation and trauma-informed strategies.
Educational research, personal practice, guiding videos/readings and instructional opportunities support teachers confidently leading Peace Work in their own classrooms. For measuring evidence of impact, data collection tools, concept quizzes and course evaluations are all vital to this comprehensive training.
Lesson-linked supplemental materials are included (and encouraged) for teachers to integrate play, music and fun through fingerplays and GoNoodle videos.
Wynne Kinder M. Ed.
Welcome to Peace Work Training
Introduction to Course and Module 1
Introduction to the Course and Well-Being Workshop video
Course Structure
Mindfulness for Teachers: We Teach Who We Are
Mindfulness as a Flashlight and a 3-clap Practice
Mindful Self-Care and Chimes Practice
Feet, Seat and Hands Practice
Module 1: First Assignment
Stress and Well-Being video
Module 1: Second Assignment
Introduction to Mindful Movement video
Module 1: Third Assignment
Module 1: Mindful Practice Series
Module 1: Mindful Practice Series Guide Sheet
Module 1: Fourth Assignment - Reflection Journal
Module 1: Content Quiz
Module 2: Mindful Classroom Integration Training
Module 2: Introduction to Mindful Classroom Integration Training Video
Instruction for the Teaching Strategies Reflection Grid
Module 2: First Assignment
Teaching Strategies Reflection Grid
Instructions for Teacher's Guide to Mindful Strategies Video
Module 2: Second Assignment Teacher's Guide
Teacher's Guide to Mindful Strategies
Examine Safe Environments, Connections and Choice
Module 2: Third Assignment
Module 2: Mindful Practice Series
Module 2: Mindful Practice Series PDF
Module 2: Fourth Assignment - Practice Teach
Module 2: Fifth Assignment - Reflection Journal
Module 2: Content Quiz
Module 3: Curriculum Training for Peace Work
Module 3: Introduction to Curriculum Training for Peace Work
Module 3: First Assignment
Introduction and Background Notes Sheet
Module 3: Second Assignment - Questions from Peace Work
Questions for the Teacher
Module 3: Peace Work Book Walk
Module 3: Third Assignment - Planning, Pacing and Playing
Peace Work Planning and Pacing Guide SUPPLEMENTAL PDF
Peace Work Blackbirds finger plays SUPPLEMENTAL PDF
Peace Work related GoNoodle videos SUPPLEMENTAL PDF
Module 3: Fourth Assignment
Module 3: Mindful Practice Series
Mindful Practice Series Module 3 PDF
Module 3: Fifth Assignment - Practice Teach
Module 3: Sixth Assignment - Reflection Journal
Module 3: Content Quiz
Module 3: Final Video
Course Evaluation